Monday, March 31, 2008
30 of march. Went to sematry to pray my great grand grand parents and alot lo. Meete my relatives at around 11.40 hahas. was late becos of me.. bathing ma. lol. but nvm. nobody was blame. hahas. ok. the first place i didn't go cos i lazy. last year went up but was so mudy la. so intend not to go this year liao. So stayed in the bus with some relatives (mostly is the girls or maybe women) hahas. so boring la. took some photo and also chat on msg with some people if not will be soooo sian can. nxt place was at mandai pray me grand parents. i think this whole trip i onli see before tmy grand parents. hhahas. nxt was at.. er.. i dunno. forgot liao. actually is i don't know la. hahhas. time to go back liao... slept in the bus for awhile, so tried can. soon.... HOME SWEET HOME. slept for the whole day onli woke up during dinner time hahhas.
PHOTOS of the day
HAHHAS. abit self love la. hahass

31 of march. went to school as normal. schoolin.. crappin.. n so on.. but. today i was prepare early to meet ronald but then i look at the time.. it was like so early la. then i finsh my chinese compo. n i was late la. even though ronald nor his father said or scolded me, but i know they was not happy. SORRY anyway. make ur almost late for school. i promise not to be late nxt time. lol.
after school, ate with xx vin ruijia and junhui. Vin then went to band practice. while me n the rest went to beach road to buy some things for the camp. lol. dam tried la. lol. walk here walk there then keep climbing overhead brige. lol. nvm. the rest are as tried as me. so shall not complaine any more. hahhas.
Junhui so kind can.. help Bevin pay for her things. hahas. some one rich sia hhahas. lame..
Went off to walk around at the river side.. took some crazy photos with the girls. junhui was like some how don't want to be in the photo and so he became our camera man. hahhas. so nice of him hhahas.. N ruijia was like so self love la. ok abit only hahas. but she and sinee was so crazy la. lame butwas so funny lo. crap along the way. took a bus to boonkeng with sinee n junhui while rjiajia took cab. OK fast forward HOME SWEET HOME!!
OK. for those tt want their photos. i wil update all the photos that i have with me OK. hhahas. so don't complaine. can come my blog to copy n paste hhaas
Photos time again
haiyo. both of them seaching for TREASURE. hhahas.

sinee n jiajia like crzy making ''tuo zi yan''
hahas. sry middle fingle.
lame oh her
she self love.
wedding coples.
OK. here are the photos tts sinee wanted.jpg)
Labels: memories are missed
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Have not been updating my blog some time. boring anyway. lol.
26 of march. went to school per normal. took ronald's father's car to school with chew chew and chunhei. almost was late. hhahas. i know it was me for meeting ronald late, but nvm, at least not late can liao. Scolded Kiansing for shouting into my ears wihile i was doing my home work.
Fast forward to after school. ate lunch with xx n vin. tyson came after we eat finish. lol. accompanied him to eat lol. tt cost Tyson n me to be late for choir. lol. Went up to choir room n was late for 37 mins at told by Mrs Poon. lol. was asked to stand behind. nat came after awhile. late too. after choir meeting got asked by Mrs Poon to stay by as she wanted to talk to us. lame. she scolded n continue to say me. "Eileen, you are even worst, you are a sectional leader how can you be always late and this is not the forst time i have been warning you abt this. and is getting even worst." lol. i was thinkin " i already not a sectional leader lo. how come she say til like i am stil one. " nvm let it pass bah. lame actually.
after tt. wented Mac to crap n slack around with Tyson, Desmond, Shaun and Justin. OK. something BAD happened. Desmond n JUstin was playin with water and so on la.. (does not want to elaborate)... Justin splash the water at me when i didn't anything tt make him unhappy la. i know he didn't do it in purpose la but he didn't even say a sry la. den i scolded him.. ok nvm. i walk off den tyson n desmond came to cool me down. then so on n so for...
maybe i was in a bad mood bah. had terrible mood swing today lo. scolded Kiansing first then follow by Justin n then my brother. lol. SORRY .
27 march TODAY. same thing happened. school.. study.. crap.. lunch with girlfriends.. n so on n so for.......... Went to TP with Kiansing n xx to return books. hahhas. i know is abit unbeliveable. but i did read the books i lended. hhahas. lol. crap along while walking.. went to popular to see see. nth to do mah. lol. Kiansing dam bad la. make the young gitl which were reading lame books. lol. if u were there i would be funny. ahhah. Fast forward n HOME SWEET HOME.
Labels: memories are missed
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Went to meet sinee chewyen n huili for breakfast. hahhas. i was late again. cannot blame mah. i stay at bedok lei hhahas. jkjk. took a bus to sport stadium. BORING. cause i didn't join any games os sport. lazy. how i wish was optional then i can stay at home sleep til late liao. hhahas. but too bad, it was compulasy de. lol. played ruijia's psp or should i say weihuang's . hhahas. couple mah . share de.. hhahas. fast forward to goin home time.
took a cab with girlfriends and huili as there was too many people sitting bus le. don't want to squeeze with the people. lame. saw someone tt always take cab the at the bus stop waitin for bus. lol. abit shoke la. hhahas. i think some would know who am i saying la. hhahas. went to mac to wait for bevin n sinee . was so hungry la. but nvm.waited. chewyen was like so bu nai fan la. but stil oso waited. ok. bevin went to meet her boyfriend. then sinee yen huili n junhui went to bendemeer market to eat. before we could seat down some things happen then we decided to go to whaompoa market to eat.. hhhahas i nor lame. but no choice. hhahas.
fast forwasrd to after eat finish. when to near by play ground to craps. w/o yen. saw rapheal n gary. chat awhile den they go liao.
fast forward.
more outing with girlfreinds n family
Labels: memories are missed
Friday, March 21, 2008
Yesterday. 23 marchwoke up dam early in the morning . like 4.30a.m. la. lol. dam sleepy lo. jus onli to go to pray my grandpa . omg. cannot go in the late afternoon meh? 4.30a.m. so early la. how i wish is was 4.30 p.m. nor~ boring. after the praying n what ever thingy when to eat at garandma house. lol. Next sunday hv another one with my father side of family members. i hope it wil be fun. hahhas. luckly tt one is in the afternoon the. but wil be hot. SURE de.
Tomorrow wil be Bevin's birthday.
HAPpY BIRTHDaY in advance bevin.
Today. 24 march
Today was nthing. jus noramly went to school with yen walking. all becos of tt ronald n tt chunhei. dam bad la . bluff us say ian goin together with them den we cannot take ronald's father's car to school liao. so borin n hot la. nvm. let bygones be bygones just don't it happen again can liao. today lesson was boring. no P.E. Mr Jaya took over. he dam idoit la dun wan brin us go P.E. den so borin but crap with girlfriends n kian sing abt some girl stuffs hhahas n of cos other things la. den kiansing was like . OMG la. pls don't abt wat girl stuffs like pad.. panties n so on. hhahas. so stupid la. lol. but funny. laugh n crap all along. RECESS tiime. hhahas. actually nth la. same recess lo. lame.. hhahas.
Fast forward abit. Today's assembly was funny. but act till half way then stop liao. but the show hv violents de lei. school assembly hv violents de meh lol. but not alot la. just tokin craps lo.
After school eat wit girlfriends but without chewyen again. lol. forever de lo. but nvm use to it can liao. Bevin then went for her Band pactice. Sinee n I went mac to slack for awhile. saw justin n friends. played wit adriel HP. was fun but veri hard to play. i had to turn the HP around in so mani directions jus to turn the ball. lol. tomo shall lent it from him hahhas. hope he won mind. lol.
shall end here.
tomo is SPOTS DAY
shall hv a birthday bush by plugin her mao mao on her hand.hahhas. just jokin onli . lol.
update nxt time. or tomo. if i hv the time
Labels: memories are missed
Almost was late to meet xx n chew chew to celebrate Bevin's birthday. went to bevin house early, trying to reach before she wake up so as to surprise her. lol. got the chocolate cake and walked to bevin's house. waited for bevin to wake up. hhahas. she was so shocked to see us at her room. hahhas. crap awhile... bevin went to bathe while we prepare the cake. she was shocked again. hhahs. she should not have bathe lo. den can play with the cake liao. hahhahs. soon... went to cini to catch a movie "frist rule" was nice but SCARY . manage to scared me alot of times durin the show. hhahas. rated 3/5. looked for melissa n disturb her for awhile. have to go home early cos ltr hv gatherin with family members.
the gathering was the same. jus crap.. eat.. talk... but the food was nice but too spicy liao le lo. hahahs. n soon home sweet home. lol. but nvm la. hv not been gathering with them for a long time since chinese new year. lol. some changes saw in them.. like one of my ypunger brother broke voice til like dam deep lo. hhahas.
here are the pictures
BEVIN. the birthday girl~

Labels: memories are missed
Thursday, March 20, 2008
went to school normal. got punished by agnes tan for not doin her hw. so sian lo. hhahas. tt miss tan ask me yen gavin kelly n aloyius to stay back sch for her DETENTION for bein late for the first time this week. lame la. i hv not been punished by my form teacher for bein late since i was sec1 lo. i think she nth to do la. lol. vin n xx when to eat as they didn't hv to do the DETENTION. eat wit yen after the DETENTION. xx came to look for us . den crap all the way. talk to royston. ian n chunheii in the class room . the boys dam bad la. cos, i hv not been sayin bad words since some time. den they keep tryin ways to make me say by say things tt i don't like . dam bad lo. ian was the master mind hhahas. Bevin came at 4 after her sectional. took some photos with girlfriends. when to remedial n after tt go to bendemeer to pay for the cake.
Home sweet home
the laughter we made
the formal penguins hahhas.

Labels: memories are missed
Yesterday Went to school as per normal. Was late together with ChewYen Huilin n Liyi. recess then we go to sch. so funny la. the guard asked we all to go to DM room den we run away then he cannot find us. we then went to look for sinee n bevin. then soon.. Miss Tan come to find us. lame the she. come late oso need get scolding from her and still need call parents. got come alredy very good liao OK. anyway. she want to call then let her call lo. lol. lets not talk abt her alredy.
Went to Bendemeer mall to choose a cake fm bangawasolo with Sinee. picked a chocolate cake for someone's birthday celebration tomo. hope SHE will like it. hahas. then went to mac. tok alot of craps lo. sinee asked me to see if i can read her mind. den i oso copy. hahhas. i anyhow think of meiching, den she dunno. lol. like meiching not in our class de lo. lol. took some stupid but funny photos.
here are the photo. if not nice nvm. funny can liao.
nice ciling so i took it. lol

sinee n i camera shy. hhahas. ~ like real ahr. lol

shall end here. update when i am free.
Labels: memories are missed
Monday, March 17, 2008
Went to school as normal. Maybe i was stil in the HOLIDAY mood bah, almost couldn't wake up BUT.. thx to the morning call (thanks anyway if you are reading) hahhas. First day of school was so boring can.. eveything was normal so i was to sit beside SMC .. so boring can. don't why she keep talkin to her ownself. nvm . just treat as nva hear . anyway also don't wan to bother. lol.
Went to YEN's house after school. was so tiring to walk to yen's house lo. nvm. at least went to her and eat had chicken wing. Yen n Sinee help me with my blog. hhahas. creadits goes to them... THANK YOU!! lol.
4 more days til girlfriends celebrates Bevin's birthday
actually is 8 more days to her birthday just celebrate earlier
25 is bevin's birthday
can't wait til the outing. Looking forward to more outting with girlfriends.
Labels: memories are missed