quiz from liying 1.When will the Sun not shine and when will the world end?
when i lose all my friends and my loved ones.
2. What you want the most now?
♥♥♥, $$$
3. Do you believe in afterlife?
no. not really
4. Do you hate your friends sometimes?
some times. not hate. disliked is the word.
5. When do you wish to die?
after all wishes are done
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
yes. cause i have seen it
7. What impossible things you would wish to do
not sure.
8. Do you believe in eternity love?
some times.
9. Have you broken someone's heart that he/she tried to comit suicide?
10. What feeling do you love most?
being love by my family and the guy i loves most
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
love. trust. care. and no lies..
12. What feeling do you hate the most?
loneless. when people lied to me.
13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
depend on the other party.
14. Is there anything you're looking forward to in the next few weeks?
less choir!! more outting with friends and family. MY BIRTHDAY!
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
my family
16. Who do you hope to be always there for you?
my family and friends
17. Do you find life meaningless?
some times
18. Who do you love the most?
family and friends
19. What's your latest injury?
not sure. can't remember.
20.List one thing that you're scare of?
die. whoes not scared of.. LOL.
21. Who's the last person you slapped?
Tyson. cause he slapped me. __
Instructions: Remove 1 question from above, and add in your personal question, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chatbox that he/she has been tagged.Whoever does the tag will have a blessing from all. here it goes.. add this question in, "Do you enjoy watching porn?"
and i wanna tag:
ok. time to update.
LOL. nothing much happened this few days.
monday tuesday all given to choir. omg so tring can!!
the whole of 7 days i onli have like 3 free days which is like today(wednesday). saturday and sunday? omg!!! so boring can... all is like combined choir.... main choir... combined choir main choir. omg. choir is so dam tring!!!!!!was late for two of the combined choire practice lately. nvm. didn't get any scolding! great. if not. poon. will nag nag and nag again. LOL. and talking about choir. almost my holidays are given to choir. omg. lucky during my birthday. theres a one week break den at least my birthday is given to choir. LOL
OK. chewyen had gone to vietnam already. will miss her. !
lihao. ths chair man of choir, justin and calvin had gone too. so sad. they dam good. can miss 4 days of choir. LOL.
and the holidays home woks are killing me. yesterday. rushed through maths hw. anyway. can someone lent me geog tx book. i need it to do my geog hw. thx
28 is the performance but before tt 25 26 27 is the dam reheaseal. LOL. tring time coming soon.
never mind. just wish it to be over soon. but as soon as the performance is over. so is my hoildays.
nothing much to post about.
before i go.. here are some self love photos taken during dunno when. LOL.
Labels: memories are missed
HELLO everyone.OK. ruijia. i m updating now alright. dun complaine about me not updating OK. LOL.anyway.its been quite long since i updated my blog. LOL.17 mayfun fair!!

was alright. quite tried but managed to sell all of our food LOL. the food was nice. many teachers came to buy. thanks to miss tan(chem)she bought may of her friends to come. hahhas. THaNKS!!soon the funfair is about to end.sat at one of the stalls. as they have finished.talked talked...."when you are gone" was played.ruijia cried? LOL. i didn't know why. but somehow should be the same reason. haiis.funfair ended. didn't accompany ruijia and jeannette to ECP as was DAM tried tt day. sorry!walked with sinee and yen.yen gave me a bear which won in one of the games. THaNKS!!19 may.nth much happened. stayed at home as it was a school hoilday. boring......20 may.school per normal.but someting unnormal. selected choir members doesn't need to stay in school.went to Bedok View to hve our first combined rehaesal.everyting started alright. till leaders found out that there are some wrong moves which already being teach to others. LOL. dam pai sei can. LOL.but nvm. learnt some new steps.something unlucky! the whole hall had fans but unluckly, the place where first and second row are standing DUN HAVE FANS!!!! LOL. dam f***ing hot la. and somenore we were wearing dry fit. which was made to absorb the sweet. and becos of tt we were all sticky and smelly.parctice from 9-4 ended fast.dam tired!!went back to school to have choir. most tof the members went home but somefrens and i went to choir. so guai right.?? laughs..21 may.]happy birthday kenneth tanORAL!!!!!!!!the oral was OK. same as last year the.maybe they wanted us to be prepared for the nxt one. LOL.the arrangement was diff. seem stress but was Okreading- mr jaya.picture- mrs ....... (i dunno how to spell.)conversation- mrs leong.sinee says i was very fast.. as i keep following behind her. LOL. i oso think i talk like veri fast. like rushing to some place? LOL.soon was over. hahas.went back to class.contiuned with folding the starts.OK. my tumb was dam pain as i was pressing the shape out. OK. didn't managed to fold the amount we wanted but. at least we saw alot of team work. many helped to fold the stars and some were counting.hhahas. great.had choir practice.....went home at 5 plus.22 mayHAPPY BIRTHDAY honghock!
normal day.
small animals. so cute right...
marcus taking little childrens????

adriel. had anyone see before patrick? laughs

going off BYE BYE people
desmond. OK. i didn't tt his so zilian de. laughs.
yao chong. found this at brandon's phone. hhaas
had survey in the morning.
some old people and young children came.we helped them up th the hall. had fun games with them and also ate with them.there we very nice! hahhas and of the children are so cute that chewyen can't stop her self from going to find them and play. LOL.nothing much happened..had choir again. so boring la. keep on hearing the same old songs again and again.why can't the other member learn faster????boring!!!calvin was funny. regated for not taking down a picture or video of him dancing. LOL.stupid him to say something i forgotten tt mrs poon didn't went us to say but to say it in mind. LOL.OK. didn't bring m keys out today. and when i went back home. my parents nor my brother wasn't at home. nvm slack outside my house and i can't take it any more and went downstairs to watch tv.stupid phone.. cannot use. if not i will be at bendemeer having my dinner with my parents already. ......23 maydidn't went to schoolslack at home...OK. this is not for your to read. is for DANIEL LIM to read!!!!how long are you going to return my money?you took months to return me $40 and how long are you goin to take to return me the rest of $60???LOL. HOPE TT U CAN RETURN ME THE REST OF THE MONEY BY NEXT WEEK!!!HOME SWEET HOME!
bye bye
Labels: memories are missed
long time since blogging. LOL.
as i had nth intresting to blog about. LOL.
my results are GONE CASE!!!!!!!!
english(48/100) ;normal. most of the people failed onli 2 passes.
combined science(40 something/100) ;
combined humanaties(48/100)
LOL. it was like 2 or more marks and i can pass. haisss....
first time. LOL. i drop from like A1 till B3?? totally disapointed la.
normal. nth to talk about, just drop some marks. LOL.
nth to talk about as this was my first time taking other then common test.
next time i shall study liao. LOL.
regrated and dissapointed lo.
this type of marks? GONE CASE man. LOL.
Tomo have fun fair. which i dun even look forward to. LOL. i think alot people oso dun. LOL..
anway. today stayed to help out with jeannette and ruijia. sp dam LAME.
our class have 37 people minus bernard and shafiqah la. LOL.
but onli 10 poeple help out with the two stalls. LOL.
some of the stuffs were done.
some people from sec1 keep looking at us la. LOL.
then we were like nvm for the first time. den they contiune to look la. LOL.
lame. sec1 already so guai lan liao. LOL.
but nvm. shall no take it to heart. anyway is the same school mah.
hahhas. so kind of me. hahhas.
some class put their ballons up already? so fast?
they not scared tt tomo the come back then they wil see the ballons to be SMALL?? LOL.
pls come and support 3N4 we will selling many stuffs like .....blah blah.....
u come and support and u will know ya. LOL.
shall stop here.
sorry no pictures ya.
shall update tomo bah.
Labels: memories are missed
such a boring day.
might have to stuck at home.
hope tt my results wil be alright.
my english poor?
i dun need ur comment ya.
MYOB ya.
anyway. last time writing msg to you on my blog.
Labels: memories are missed
andrew ang ; 2 may : tee huiling ; 2 may
huanyin ; 5 may..
HELLO!!. back again
I found out someting. actually some1 actually read my blog almost everyday.
Anyway i wan to tel someone. this is the last time i my writing. i wil not write anything about you in my blog expectially about you and ur Boy alright.
Sinee went to my house to study today.
actually she wented me and some guys to pei her go toa payoh to study but all like didn't reply me, onli brandon who told me tt he was not free as hid goin to suntec. and sengyang who msg me when sinee was alredy at my house for a long time. LOL.
before sinee came to my house. i was dam shocked by her in the phone when she told me tt becos she didn't see me at the bus stop and miss the stop LOL and pass all the way to tampanies avenue 5 LOL. i was like HUH?? REALY AHR. LOL. but lucky she took back and i was at the bus stop waiting for her when the sun was like dam HOT. the worst part, i just bathe finish and i was sweeting. LOL.
meet sinee and headed to my house to STUDY!!
sinee went to eat at my house down staris.
eat finish.
went to study for like onli an hour. LOL.
lame right.
went slack and watch tv. crap on my bed and sinee told me about her childhood and was bursting into laughter. LOL. she was dam funny in her childhood can. LOL.
around 5 she went home.
after she took the bus i went home. SIAN.
actually wanted to study but here am i blogging and playing viwawa.
having steamboat ltr with family. HAPPYYYYY!!
was making this while plugging bean sprop. hahas too boring alredy.
went to meet sinee brandon sengyang and jiawei to study. lucky brandon didn't wear skinnies all else it would be the same lo. cos i and him was waering white and he was wear dark blue jeans and i was wearing skinny. LOL
studied for awhile and went to slack. as while studing jiawei brandon and sendyang was like playing psp LOL. lame..
went to walk around and brandon decided to go to buy his soya bean ice cream and the rest ps him and went to buy shushi. LOL. i was so nice to accompany him LOL.
blah blah~~
went to upstaries and slack while playing psp and eating. LOL.
i ans sinee then ps the boys and went home after accompany sinee to buy some things. hhahas.
went home and have my dinner and went off to watch movie Forbiden kingdom.with my family and yuehan was shock when my brother said tt his goin with us. LOL.

was studying this sub with sinee

saw ths while accompanying sinee to bus stop NICE.
went to school and have combined scince. LOL. didn't studied much for physic and cause me to have alot of question that was a ????? for me. hahhas.
went to have lunch with those three ladies and went to seng siong. LOL. bought some stuffs and saw brandon and guys.
walk walk.. crap crap awhile then sit at brandon's house lobby and gossip. guys went to eat while we still gossiping. LOL. our talks are like dam funny. so LAME can but funny. ( laughs ) even when i went back and tolg my mother abt it she was also laughin ( laughs )
blah baah happened tt i does not went blog. some unhappiness between some1 in bendemeer mall.
chewyen and bevin went home.
sinee brandon justin and i went PS and walk.
boring ma.
found out some thing while brandon was eating his lunch. HIS MOUTH IS DAM BIG. LOL. hahhas
blah blah~~
went home straight
GEOG paper.
but nvm everythings over liao.
tomo last paper
went to have lunch with girlftriends and headed to mac.
sit there and crap. dam funny lo.
went to have bevin house to slack and played stress. hahaas.
no more stress liao then play stress. hhahas.
too boring liao. but was fun.
we were like crazy girls expectially bevin and chewyen.
chewyen was like keep on stress here stress there. LOL.
and also keep on play the wrong cards then anyhow stress LOL.
bevin was fast in playing. yen wanted to copy her style of playing but was not succesed. hahhas.
went to mac to have ice cream.
too HOT liao.
went home at around 3 plus.
tomo going out with sinee brandon and guys. HOPE tt it would be fun. hhahas.
alright shall blog next time.
(maybe i shall not blog about people bad things liao.)
Labels: memories are missed