time to update on my dam blog.
lets talk about last two weeks back. had class photo taking, E-learning and COMMON TEST! english can fail after hearing that only less then ten passes in every class. i and friends was like OMG!!! ten? so less?....
flunk my combined humanities!
got back some papers... so far.. one paper fail, one borderline pass..
chinese- 25/50physic- 11.5/40chem - 33/40 (happiee!!!)
maths - 27/35
some day around last week, got a bad injury. LOL. thanks to reynard and zhiwei on helping to put medicine on the injury. and thanks to weihuang for makingmy injury more pain. LOL
Saturday. 26 july
wake up early in the morning to attend the reheasal on the ND performancce near geylang bahru almost was late so cab down.. ~fast forward~ reheasal done. eat lunch with choirmates. headed to siewoing house to wite for sinee to wake up! meet up with sinee and brandon to parklane. brandon went to his kumon and sinee and i went to find rey and gang.. soon due to moving house soon, need to get back home to pack stuffs.
Sunday. 27 July
pack stuffs.. BORING!!!
Monday. 28 july
school as normal.. after school went to PS. when on the way there, Sinee had a bad incident on the bus when she steped on an anutie SHOE, the auntie was like fake fake and was like ouch ouch.. girl girl.. hello girl you step no need say sorry the ahr? omg whats type of school are you from? your school didn't educate you isit? and sinee was like sorry sorry... LOL. idoit auntie!
~fast forward~ meet ruijia jiawei and brandon ltr on.. sinee was still angry over it.. LOL.. ate Sakae for lunch. headed back home. had a quarrel with my father on the phone when i was on the bus to toa payoh. idoit. totoally f*** up lo. but nvm shall let it rest.. LOL.
pictures nxt time.
Labels: happy and idoit times
Maybe is about time i should update my blog alr. been quite long. sorry as i have been busy with my exams and new house.

my class in 2oo7

I do miss this batch of classmates in 2007 . 2n3 friends that are once close to eac other seems to change after the changing of classes due to subjects and results. LOL. I really miss those time when we had fun tgt. expectially those i thought who were close to me but not after a fight. ....
OK. this few days are wxams period. i can alr say i flunk my physic and geog. got back my physic and same. FAIL! seems like i had not passed miss tan meng juat tests for a long time since i join sec3. LOL. just hope that i will get higher marks in chem inother to pass my combined science. ...
maybe i should contiune with my studies and stop posting. laughs.
till nxt time.
Labels: love and miss
HELLO!time to update.common test is COMING!!!! stress!!!i can alr tell that my POA, physic will fail LOL. of cos hope not...but i realy don't understand POA.. totally gone case.1o july. thursdaynothing much happened.English, three people were ask to read the passage and first one was Chewyen, she read well just as normal. next one was kiansing as many sabo him including me. hhahas. last one was me just becos of kiansing wanted to take "revange"? LOL. very PS lo. ...NO SunShine that day. went to have lunch with sinee and friends..normal day... play some games with yaochong and justin. and soon headed back HOME.11 july. FridaySAME and NORMAL friday just was late for school. had tempreture taking and went back to class. late for the first period with Gavin. Class was just as boring as before. LOL.CLASS DISMISS!!!talked to mr lee for a while with some girls classmate, went to had lunch with Sinee Bevin Jeannette and Cassandra in school. saw Yongkiong and went to choir tgt. choir was normall just faster, learnt the rest of the song. finally finish on nice song. LOL.meet jason and siewping to see choik weh in the hospital but when we were half way to the hospital, Jason's friend call and said choik weh discharger. LOL. decided to go to his house but heard that his house is far then siewping and i decided to go home.stupid choikweh, waste our time. but hope he will recover soon.. LOL. heard that he borke his legs and arms. laughs...~OK. shall stop here. need to get ready to meet my parents. LOL.BYE BYE!
reply of tag.
noah yongkiong and jason; your are linked
Labels: full of joy
I haven't been updating for like a week? and RUIJIA is complaining alr!!!!! omg i better update before she complains even more. (laughs)OK. IMPORMATION!!!!!My class 3n4, has creater a blog! do visit some time.Class BLOG!!!
This few day, struggled alot in class because of the changes of teacher in most of the subjects. LOL. POA is killing me! i don't even understand what he is teaching and the most, he is so naggy!! POA! GONE CASE! i guess many agrees with me. complained to Miss tan and she promise us to talk to Mr Alan Goh. But some of the new teachers are so funny. they entertained us during and after school. LOL. And i started to like my classmates even more (laughs!)but school was also quite normal. everyday i walk to school with ChewYen, and having lesson after lessons.Choir! totally LAME!!!!! the speed in learning is soooooooooo dam slowing down..... a page per lesson???? this is sooo bad. but i do love the SYF choir! even after the SFY opening performances, they are still so great and active. LOL. i just missed SYF opening.OK. i don't what to update, i have to get back in packing some of my stuffs as i can make things faster when really moving out. LOL. i been so busy with packing and going to interior designs. LOL. I AM SOOOOOO BORING AT HOME!!! I WANT TO GO OUT!!!!shall stop here.BYE BYELabels: memories are missed =D.