the sony ericsson group(JH, byron, ZW, eileen, rey)



the obseen pictures of LZW and rey


look how serious they are while playing some handphone games. (laughs)
will update nxt time. BYE BYE
Labels: with love 636PM
after so many days, i seriously don't know why am i breaking down. tears are rolling down when i was blog-hopping around my choir mates' blog. reading 17 - 18 April's post. what my Juniors and Seniors wrote, i felt sad, guilty, shameless.
don't even know why am i crying so much, even after so many days. this is totally not me. i am not like this.
its lucky that Mr Goh has recovered from his fever. but though, i still don't know how to face him. all the efforts, all the hard work, all the angry-ness he had during choir. All the time, all the Saturdays he spent with us was memorable. i really don't know how to face him.
Mr Yiong. he spent hundreds of dollars to hire a cab to cabbed him around so that he could rush down from different places just to see us practicing. spending time to make our costume neat and nice. correcting notes at the last moment.
Mrs Poon, Miss Koh and Mr Ong
they spent hours with us. sick but not taking MC to get a rest. teachers, thanks for the support you gives us. without you guys around, it would a mess in choir.
a hundred of apologies, a hundreds of sorry, a hundred of thank you is what i want to say to you conductors and teachersThey were so encouraging, so supportive that some even treated it for granted.
non stopping of chattering, non stopping of medicuring is what we give them in return?
i really don't know
having a meeting with the Junior, talking about what we as a member of choir should do to return our teachers and conductors for their hard work without complaining.
YA. somehow it really worked for a day.
but people are like that, one ear in one ear out. sigh.
i wish this would be BIG BIG wake up call for everyone expectially the Juniors and even some of the seniors and of cause it would be also be a wake call for me as a leader of the choir.
As a leader. talking, playing around is what i do in choir most of the time. Maybe its about time to wake up. its truly not right for me as an assi vice to let only Lihao and Liying to get all the scolding, all the work. i should share with them equally. Liying is stepping down soon. I and Lihao will only step down next year. I should do some reflections. as a member, as a leader.
choir practice will be staring after mid year. looking forward.
new members will be in soon then
seniors, stepping down.
Choir. pls pls pls. wake up and get back what we should get. We had a silver before. its what our senior worked hard for it. Even though, we go a Bronze back but i do belive that we do have the standard to achieve a high silver or a low gold. Plus under the help of Mr Goh and Yiong. You guys will get the silver or even a gold for next SYF. GOOD LUCK guys. its might early but we still an ABRSM to go next year. JIA YOU!!!!!!
Labels: with love 4.55PM
guess it should be about time i should update my blog.
its just so dead.
shall use the time now to update my blog since i am not in school today
OK. i update in from the lastest to the oldest.
pictures are not in sequence.
enjoy! :)
22 of April

accompany rey to marina for a hair cut with ZW, JH. justin and calvin.
ate pizzahut again for dinner.
took photos.
take bus.
took photo again without calvin as he was busy playing and listening to songs. HAHA
chatted with rey on phone on the way back home
ya. reached home at 8 plus
there are still photos in justin's phone
will update some time when i get the pictures
2o of April

went to sinee's house after school.
nothing to explain actually. just see the pictures(on top) plus.
18 of aprilECP DAY
didn't managed to woke up early enough to go back to school to do some CIP stuffs. but i find it lame to do CIP when the perfroming arts members are alr having so much CIPpoints. LOL.
meet reynard, junhui, calvin, zhiwei and bryon at ECP. as usual, was late for more than 1 hour. SORRY GUYS.
so went cycling for more then 1hour. returned bikes, sat down to play some games. Was fun.
didn't took photos as we was too tired and i totally forgotten all about it. haha.
went back to BoonKeng to have our light dinner ; for me and rey as we were both going to diff places to have another round.
said BYE to zhiwei and byron while rey and i went to bus-stop to take 31 to TPY.
meet my parents at Yishun. as i wanted to visit my grandma too.
chatted.. ate second round
home sweet home at 12 plus
SYF day(17 april)
choir got a BRONZe for syf.
i feel so dam guity towards Mr Goh and Yiong, Mrs Poon, Miss koh and Mr Ong. they work so hard for us but what did we gave them was an unexpected medal.
was so anxious on going to stage and sing. but so many things just went wrong. no matter before or during or after.
1st. jingwen dropped her mascara on her dress and had to change it immediatly. and without fail liying got scolding and so did jingwen. as we are only surpose to put light make up.
2nd. time was delayed as conductors wanted more time to polished up our songs.
3th. stupid dam MC annonced our song sequence wrongly and we time was delayed AGAIN! it can actually cause us 10 to 20 marks for your info
4th. mr goh forgotten to ask us to put down the paper and i guess many was anxious as we didn't know what to do and therfore we didn't sang very well for our sad piece. SAD!
5th. a girl. i heard was jing wen COUGH ON STAGE!!!!. omg! can't they just clear their throat before entering the stage. WTH
6th, Jarllanz dropped his dam phone and it was actually loud enough to let the whole VCH hear it. i thought we were ask not to bring our phone or if have, pass it to the teachers. LOL. i really don't now what he is thinking.
7th. i really don't know how many people had encounted a stage fright while on stage and was just lip singing. ONE was even grapping on to meilin's hand while ON STAGE!!!!!!! WTF la.
8th. after SYF. while waiting for the result, was talking to Daryl as he was just sitting beside me. i guess what i heard from him. he said mr goh was down with a fever as he didn't sleep for 3 straight days just to practice his piano part for us, and someone even saw mr goh hands was trembling while conducting the first 2 songs. OMG. was feeling so guilty. with our bad singing we shouldn't even desever his effort, his sleepness nights practicing. WTH.
9th. we got an unexpected medal. BRONZE.
lastly. i love my conductors and teachers in charge. the rocks.!
spending long hours with us.
getting angry becos of us
not getting MC even when anyone of them is sick as each and everyone of them just wanted to give us their least . and that was their fullest support for us
thinking of ways to improve our singing.
everything they did was so thankful. i really don't know what to say but SORRY and THANKS for all the hard work. i didn't how to face the school as we took of the sustained award down. WTH. it need another 4 years=2 more SYF in order to get back the award. by the time. i have alr guad in poly. i didn't know how to face the teachers and the conductors. i am just feeling to guilty too shamefull to be a leader of the choir. i haven't done much for the choir. letting lihao and liying to get all the scolding, doing all the shouting and doing all the work. i feel so sorry. i am such a bad assi vice chair. i am not even worth to be a leader. OMG. i didn't expect this SYF would let me know so much, so much about my self. i am speechless now.
how i really wish that there was a time machine to go back to time and we might be doing better as we knew our mistake. HAHA. me and my foolish thinking. LOL.
ya so. had dinner at Pizza Hut with Susanna, SiewPing, TanJiaHui and Fabian.
meet up with calvin, shawn, boonpin, Meilin and justin at acarde. played to our max and had alot of fun. went to a open space and took photos (on top).
guess many of us were just happy on the outside. specking about SYF, everyone would be so sad.
ya so went home with shawn as normal
reached home at 12plus
OK. shall stop here. BYE BYE peeps
Labels: with love 12.26pm

HELLO readers. its alr 11.52pm now, according to my timing, and i am still up
since i am free, i guess i should just use the time to update my blog.
celebrated his birthday ytd.
had small small conflict between "one" shall not mention. But everything was alright
was late for both the sectionals and choir practice due to celebration.
hope he was happy
and smart smart junhui brought his facial was to school haha.
and as usuall, choir was tiring.
our piaonist was in as Mr goh is conducting us and he couldn't bring the piano out to the front to conduct and play. LOL. its not good. LOL
parents came to fetch as usual..
eat. home.. chat... sleep
actually nothing much happened this week...
lets see whats happening nxt week.
as i know
monday. school. choir
tuesday. school. noirp. choir
wed. school. irp
thurs. school. noirp. choir
fri. reaching school at 10am. warming up. dress up. checking of hair. depart to VCH. SYF. staying with some friends for result show. dinner. home....
really really hope we would get a gold this time. at least stay as a high silver.
wish us luck! ;)
ok shall stop here then.
good night and BYE BYE
Labels: with love 12.02am