how was your christmas? fun??
had christmas lunch with geraldTeo during christmas eve after my work at aston..
recevied many gifts from colleugues.
well, i celebrated my christmas with my relatives this year round.
was rather fun. hahha!
ok. shall stop crapping
enjoy the pictures. the rest are at facebook.
look what army did to my brother. BOTAK head!

pictures from previous outing.
ok. here are the upcoming events/outings
-new year dinner in advance with geraldTeo.
-new year party at bevin's house on the 1st
-new year party at my house with my relatives..
-campus open house.(4-6jan)
-collection on Olevels results!
-cruise trip with RJ, Adriel, Joel and parents(mine/RJ)
just hope everything goes well.
and, 3 more days to 2011!
just hope 2011 will be nice to me.
2010 was a rather bad year for me.
too much ups and downs.
ok. i shall stop here.
till next time. :)
p/s ; your gift is still at my house.. collecting dust.
and! you better appreciate it!.
i spend hours doing it ok!!!!!
Labels: with love 9.56PM
13 dec
celebrated RuiJia's birthday.
took half day off since i've got unfinished work accumulated from friday.
met Sinee and Bevin at suntec carrefour.
bought our picnic stuffs and cabbed down straight to marina barriage w/o RJ
started preparing..
RJ was still left at suntec alone wondering..
not even knowing we where were we... LOL!
ok. i think she was at suntec for 4 hours alone??
so sorry.
even though our plan totally failed, but i guess overall was great.
trained down to cityhall.
wrote down our wishes on some white ball.
Alice then came.
i bought 2 nail polish at tony molly!
white+ light pink
dinner at pizza hut
photo taking at some usual place outside marina square
home sweet home.
i was soooo tired!
wore heels for the whole dam day....
ok. enough of the crap.
shall let the pictures do the talking....
Dickson's 21st birthday.

ignore my hands.
my family + katty

Ding Yue Han. my 10 years old friend. :))

my father side of relatives. this is just half of it...

my mother side of relatives. this is also just half of it...

our god parents..
ok. this is all for today.
till next time people!
bye bye :):)
p/s ; down with bad cough. :((
p/ss ; father. you have to get well soon alright?
p/sss ; still missing you... 1mth 7days
Labels: with love 12.22PM