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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

a little quick update..

4 April
The Crazy Girls outing..
cycling at ECP , lunch at MAC, dinner at LPS, photo taking at big ass fan. A good place for photo taking.. hehehe.
few pictures to show you peeps and the rest, FB
12 April
Orientation Camp.
new environment, new faces, new life:)
and yet again. was chosen as the class rap -.- had been a class rap for 5 freaking years in BSS.. oh well, have to admit that I didn't help much during the activities.. HAHA! oops!
and ya, tmr will be going for a two day Mathematics Preparatory Program . RECAP! omg.. but oh well, i am actually looking forward to it.. HAHAHA!

ok, need to get some rest now.
till next time peeps!


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

HEY PEEPS! i know this space of mine had been dead for quite some time. didn't have much time. oh well.. here are some updates. Calvin's 18th birthdy woke up early in the morning. but as usual, was late -.- met up with JunHui, Adriel and ZhiWei to sentosa. had breaktalk for breakfast cum lunch -.* we were like crapping all the way. HAHAHA! oh well. back to plan. went over to siloso, our usual spot. HA! spent about 1hr plus? just by doing this (pls look below) leg was craming like hell.. but i had fun! HA!
sinee then came to join us. that pig overslept again..

ok. this was taken by the others who was with the birthday boy. hahaha! they took the advantage that he was blind folded, they disturb like hell lo. HA! but that was the purpose.

Lihao; eh carefull, infront got tree

Calvin; huh? where?? can't see leh.

and the story continues..

took a group before we left for Kbox at marina and Waraku Pasta for dinner!! YAY!!

ok, mind us, our usuals.

card game. [monopoly deal and UNO]

and few days later,

Bevin's 18th birthday

BBQ at pasir ris park

the girls came over to my house to bake cookies. (bevin's all time cravingss)

ok. there are quite a number of pictures un-upload. shall update them tmr? if i have the time....

till next time:) BYE BYE!


Thursday, February 10, 2011

random pictures...

a day out with Bevin and the guys for SHOPPING at town!

went back to school with LKS and clique on cny celebration.
3th day of CNY at my house!

till nex time :)


so? how did YOU spent your New Year?
got tons of angpao$$??
well as for me,
i spent my cny IN BED!
throat infection, fever for THREE DAYs! great or what??
Jaacob came on the first day of cny to COOK for me! YAY! thought i was just gonna skip my three meals.. since i was all alone at home
went to auntie's house on the second day. still having fever..
Clique came over to my house on the third day! YAY! awesome day!!!
Pizza hut for dinner.
went to SinEe and Rey's house,
another awesome day spent.:)
ok, they stay side by side...
so, Steamboat at SinEe's house and then went over to Rey's house to bainian!
as usual, we gambled.
my luck was good, till REY TAPPED MY SHOULDERS!!!! argh..
oh well, i still won $5 -..-
ok. went off early with MrLeong.
lucky for his ear piece, if not i will rot!!!!
and so.
it was 10th of feb,
MrLeongZ.W. 18th birthday!
as usual, i went to work till 5.30pm
went to suntec to buy candles. was pissed off at that moment, i swear my face was like BaoGong. NO JOKE!
met sinee at suntec and off to MS.
bought cake, settled down while waiting for the guys to finish their game.
ok.. let the pictures do the talking...

Reunion dinner and celebration at Yuki Yaki.
Happy birthday!
the girls tired soooooo hard to get the candles lighted up, IN OPEN AIR!
puzzeled how some guys had that much patiance to do it.
"!@#$%&#$%" was alr out.. -..-
we presented the gifts to him and the guys contiuned with that usuals..
discussing what "present" to give MR leong. just look at his face.. *i don't want!!*
apple jack from adriel and Lihao -..-
pressing of nipple from JunHui and Calvin -..-
flicking of ear from Reynard and Joel
Hope everyone, especially MrLeongZ.W. enjoyed. :)
so, after the celebration, Bevin and Sinee went home.
JunHui accompanied me to hire a cab while the guys went for Kbox!.
:( how i wished i could join too.... :(
and! i really like tthe taxi driver!
he drived so fast!
MS to PasirRis = $18 + $3(CBDsurcharge)
thats fast man! lucky no mid night charges.
more pictures will be uploaded on the next post, coming up SOON!
till next time.
p/s ; I GAVE UP!
may you and your joleenPang be happy :)
